You received a message about an increase in your monthly payment. This adjustment is based on your usage and our calculations, but it might not fully reflect your specific situation. Here, we explain how we calculate your monthly payment and what you can do if it doesn’t align with your circumstances.
How Do We Calculate Your Monthly Payment?
We take several factors into account during the calculation:
Average Consumption
We use general consumption data from our customers as a baseline. For example, the average customer might not have a heat pump or other energy-intensive appliances. If your situation differs, it could impact the accuracy of the calculation.
Your Personal Usage
Whenever possible, we base your monthly payment on your own usage history. This helps us make a more accurate estimate of what you’ll need for the rest of the year.
What If Your Situation Is Different?
Some factors could make your monthly payment less accurate:
- Heat Pumps or Air Conditioning: These appliances can significantly increase your energy usage, which might not always be reflected in the calculation.
- Unexpected Summer Gas Usage: For example, if you use gas to heat a swimming pool, this deviates from standard usage profiles.
- Changes in Household Dynamics: This includes more occupants or changes in usage patterns.
What Can You Do?
If you notice that your monthly payment doesn’t align with your actual consumption, you can easily respond to the email you received about the adjustment. Our team will work with you to find a solution that better suits your situation.
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